Fear is a normal emotion. Whether it’s a fear of failure, fear of rejection, or a fear that we’re not enough. Everyone experiences these thoughts and emotions. 


It may feel as if we’re locked in a room staring at the wall, vividly watching what might happen based on what we’ve decided. Continuing to add more details to our thoughts, up to the point where we begin to spiral downwards. Once it gets to this point we tend to take the back seat and let life happen for us instead. We let fear win and we give it the reins to control our future in any way it’d see fit. And keep in mind since we no longer have control, we no longer have any say in what our dreams or goals should be. It will decide for us and majority of the time it doesn’t help us get farther in life. 

If you continue to live in fear, you’ll stay stagnant and  I know it’s cliche to say but we do only have one life and we should be able to live it anyway we want to. The world is huge, the possibilities and options are endless. We shouldn’t restrict ourselves to such a small space. I know fear can be really strong sometimes and at times it’s important to listen to it but other times it’s just there to control us. Don’t get me wrong fear is there for a reason but there are different types of fears one that threatens and one that inhibits. 

But, here are things you can do to prevent fear from inhibiting your future;

 1. Find the source 

Create a list and start circling the fears that are tangible. Then start taking control of your fear by creating actions to combat what you’ve circled. 

This’ll help you see that you don’t have to be afraid. That you don’t have to let fear dictate what you do because most of the time you do have the power to take control. By understanding your fear you allow yourself to see that fear is nothing but a pebble in the giant scheme of things. 


2. Adopt a growth mindset

You may be having thoughts that you are not good enough, and that you’ll never be capable of achieving such heights. But understand that your skills and life aren’t fixed, rather they’re flexible and all you need to do is make that decision to be better. To take that first step, to take the initiative, to make that purchase, to plan for the future. Once you’re able to understand that you’re flexible and able to grow you’ll see that no matter where you are in life you’ll be able to adapt to situations, make decisions to improve and constantly move forward despite being scared. 


3. Live in the present

Most of the time our fears are based on what happened before or what will happen in the future. For example, let’s say you saw another person take the same step you did and it didn’t go well, so you decide, “if that’s what happened to them, then it might happen to me as well”. So then you don’t take that step. That is an inhibiting thought, where you’ve let fear dictate what should and shouldn’t be done. 


But that should never be the case. If you’re on a journey to better yourself and achieve levels that you’ve never achieved before, then the things that have happened or might happen should not affect your decision. You have the power to make it different, learn from others and plan accordingly. Understand that what’s going on right now is real. That what you’re thinking will happen is not real or what has happened will not happen again. The present is where changes are made nowhere else. The present is where your choices affect your future.

4.  Stop making excuses

This is a defense mechanism. A strategy on avoiding facing our problems. It’s easier to make excuses and give reasons why we shouldn’t do something. Excuses such as not having enough time, not enough money, not being able to talk right now, and more as just your fears convincing you to turn away. But from what I’ve said above, fear is nothing but your thoughts playing tricks on you and you have the power to say no. 

You can make time, you can move things around in your schedule, you can sell items, you have the power to not make excuses. Understand that when your making that excuse you’re not going to promote change, all you’re doing is hurting yourself. Like I’ve said in a previous post, experience is one of the greatest teachers you’ll ever have. And if you continue to make excuses you will never learn or grow. 

5. Practice Self Care

Have you heard of the quote, when you look good you feel good. Well it’s true. When you take care of yourself physically, you begin to feel more confident. That is the same idea when dealing with fear. Fear is psychological therefore if you continue to feed into it, it will grow, but if you cultivate the mental strength to overcome fear, then you’ll be able to take on whatever might be thrown your way. Therefore, take the time to take care not only of your physical self but as your mental self as well. Perform meditation, become more self aware, and become more understanding of yourself. By allowing yourself to truly understand who you are, you give yourself  power to control your fate



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